Occupational therapy

Occupational Therapists assist people with:

Occupational therapy

  • Personal care (toileting, showering, bathing, dressing, grooming)
  • Domestic tasks (meal preparation and management, laundry, cleaning, & gardening) Please note the Occupational Therapist can not provide you with the service to complete domestic tasks but can provide you with strategies and aids to increase your independence with these tasks.
  • Community activities (shopping, transport, access to social and leisure pursuits)
  • Prescription of use of aids and equipment for daily living

Mobility assessments and recommendations

  • Safe mobility around the home (recent fall assessment or falls prevention education, personal alarms, home access assessments)
  • Transfer assessments (difficulty with getting out of chairs, bed, toilet, showers, car etc.)
  • Wheelchair and scooter assessments
  • Community mobility assessments
  • Energy conservation education

Home modifications

  • Minor modifications: Grab rails, banister rails, step ramps, platform steps, safety hinges, shower curtains and handheld showers
  • Major modifications: Ramps and bathroom modifications

Cognitive changes

  • Recent memory decline
  • Strategies to manage your everyday tasks (medication and appointment management etc.)

Skin integrity assessment

  • Risk assessment for developing pressure injuries
  • Equipment recommendations for existing pressure sores or at for those at high risk of developing pressure sores

Carer burden

  • Difficulty managing the physical care needs of the client
  • Manual handling risk to carer when attending to clients daily care needs

Assessment and recommendations for those diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions: Palliative care, motor neuron disease and all other movement disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, and amputation.

See our occupational therapist at

A place of your convenience.


  • No referral or health care card is required to see the Occupational Therapist.
Individual appointments for adults
Pension/Health Care Card holder/Senior $21.75
Low fee $21.75
Medium fee $33
High fee initial / long consultation $486
High fee review / standard consultation $162
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