Social Support Groups

Social Support groups are for people with limited social opportunities or independently living older adults, who meet to enjoy each other’s company.


Social Support is delivered online and provides people with an opportunity to interact and engage with others remotely. This is particularly suitable for older adults who are having difficulty leaving their home or are immunocompromised and would prefer not to meet in person.

To join the group, you’ll need internet access and be confident using a device, such as a computer or tablet, or have the support of a family member or friend. We can also help you access this online group through a tablet loan program. One of our program leaders will show you how to use the tablet and join Social Support online.

See us online

When you sign up to Social Support, we will send you details about how to join our online group.


Fridays, 9.30am – 12noon


Social Support cost $5 per session.


Our Social Support groups are open to people who have a My Aged Care referral for the Commonwealth Home Support Program, and are:

  • aged 65 and older, or
  • aged 50 and older, and identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

To register with My Aged Care call 1800 200 422.

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